WARNING! Skydiving is a highly dangerous activity that may result in sudden changes in your behavior and personality! Participants may experience some or all of the irreversible side effects. EXCITEMENT! PLEASURE! EUPHORIA! Additional Side-Effects Include: Sudden urge to spend thousands of dollars on skydiving equipment! Peaked curiosity about turbine powered aircraft and small digital video cameras! Inability to sleep past 7:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mornings! Frequent cases of daydreaming in the workplace. Loss of interest in routine, boring, weekday activities! Repeated viewing of weather forecasts with frequent uncontrollable outburst of rage towards meteorologists predicting rain, low clouds, or gusty winds! Inability to enjoy any conversation that is not skydiving related! CAUTION! Do not participate in skydiving unless you fully understand the impact of these side effects and are ready to accept full responsibilty for your actions! SKYDIVE!