Про ІТ

Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: gkb [stop spam] aber.ac.uk (Gary Barnes)
Date: 28 Jan 1997 14:49:18 -0000
Organization: Ripoffs R Us
X-No-Archive: Yes
Choose no life. Choose sysadminning. Choose no career.        ***
Choose no family. Choose a fucking big computer, choose hard  * *
disks the size of washing machines, old cars, CD ROM writers  *A*
and electrical coffee makers. Choose no sleep, high caffeine  *D*
and mental insurance. Choose fixed interest car loans. Choose *M*
a rented shoebox. Choose no friends. Choose black jeans and   *I*
matching combat boots. Choose a swivel chair for your office  *N*
in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose NNTP and wondering why  *S*
the fuck you're logged on on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting *P*
in that chair looking at mind-numbing, spirit-crushing web    *O*
sites, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose     *T*
rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last on some  *T*
miserable newsgroup, nothing more than an embarrassment to    *I*
the selfish, fucked up lusers Gates spawned to replace the    *N*
computer-literate.                                            *G*
Choose your future.                                           * *
Choose sysadmining[1].                                        ***

[1] It might fuck you up a little less than heroin[2].
[2] ObFootnote.
 /\./\   gkb [stop spam] aber.ac.uk (Gary "Wolf" Barnes)
( - - ) "Do not ask any lady to take wine, until you
 \ " /   see she has finished her fish or soup."
  ~~~          - Hints on Etiquette and the Usages of Society
